Class Two

Class 2 is a mixed-age class of Year 1 and 2 children, taught by Miss Dashwood and supported by Mrs Whitney and Mrs Burman.

Class 2_1

Year 1 is a very important year for the children as they move from Foundation Stage into Key Stage 1. It is a significant transition for the children as the curriculum moves from the Early Years Foundation Stage to the National Curriculum where the children engage in more structured learning, this continues into Year 2 and beyond. In Class 2 we believe in learning through experience. All our lessons are designed to inspire and excite the children, enabling them to learn in a dynamic and engaging way. This includes through drama and role play, learning outdoors in our extensive school grounds, practical tasks and creative writing sessions.

Class 2_3

English and Maths are taught in the morning and, wherever possible, links are made to other curriculum subjects and real-life situations. The teaching of phonics plays a very important part of our learning and children will build on their skills, focusing on:

  •         Sounding out and blending graphemes in order to read simple words.
  •         Reading phonically decodable one-syllable and two-syllable words, e.g. cat, sand, windmill.
  •         Reading a selection of nonsense/pseudo words. Some examples of these are; scroy, strad, thrand, clisk, tabe, yewn, clain, jair.

Children are encouraged to read daily at home to further practice these skills.

In Class 2, the children's learning focuses upon the number bonds to 20. These form the basis of the four mathematical operations. The children enjoy applying their learning to engaging workbook tasks in Power Maths and using a range of practical resources to support their learning.

Some helpful websites to access at home:

Access a free subscription to Phonics Play

Hit The Button has a great selection of fun interactive maths games that enable children to sharpen their recall of vital number facts quickly.

BBC Bitesize offers a comprehensive guide to all subjects in the primary curriculum. They also have some fun games for you to play.

Twinkl have paid memberships and also provide some free resources.

Please follow our Twitter feed to see what learning we have been up to.

Great Ellingham and Rocklands Schools Federation