External News

Home-Start Norfolk, we are a charity that recruits and trains volunteers to support families with children under the age of 5 in their own homes. Our volunteers address various needs, including school readiness.

We are currently seeking volunteers in the Norfolk area and are holding a 4-week face-to-face training course in Norwich, starting on Wednesday, 5th June. The training will cover essential topics to equip volunteers with the necessary skills to make a meaningful impact on the lives of the families they support.


Have you ever thought about Fostering...?

Nexus Fostering based in Framingham Earl, are looking for local people like you to become foster carers. By providing a loving and stable home environment, you can support the increasing number of children and young people in the local area who cannot live in their family homes.

Not all children require long-term care. Nexus Fostering also need foster carers for short-term placements, respite care, and to provide temporary homes to support young parents and their babies.

So, if you have a spare room and are ready to change lives, please give Nexus Fostering a call on 01603811118 or email April Nobbs onĀ aprilN@nexusfostering.co.uk.

Great Ellingham and Rocklands Schools Federation