Our School

Great Ellingham Primary School is a happy, village school with very high standards of behaviour.

Situated in the popular village of Great Ellingham, our school is a community primary school catering for children from 4 to 11 years. There are approximately 180 children who live in and around Great Ellingham that attend the school.

Our staff believe passionately in the value of learning and work with our pupils to ensure they achieve their potential. We teach children between the ages of 4 and 11 in six classes. The strong nurturing atmosphere of our school was demonstrated during our last Ofsted visit when one child said to the inspector that, “We are all different, but all one family.”

We are a friendly school with polite children who enjoy coming to school. Our Year 6 pupils work hard to ensure the younger children are happy and children from throughout the school represent their classes on the school council. Other children work as House Captains, Librarians and Play Equipment Monitors.

Great Ellingham is federated with Rocklands Community Primary School. Our Head teacher leads both schools and within the partnership there are opportunities for staff to share expertise and for pupils to work and play together. Shared events have included an International Week, annual sports activity days and a week studying different artists.

Lunches are cooked on the premises in a modern, well-equipped kitchen, which provides lunches for both Great Ellingham and Rocklands schools.

Our good Ofsted report is available here. In March 2023 Ofsted found that Great Ellingham was a GOOD school.

Great Ellingham and Rocklands Schools Federation